Week Three #13 & #52

Idea #13 – Draw a map of the creases of your hand (knuckles, palm).

When I decided I was going to do this project I knew that some drawing would be involved.

I’m trained in photography. Needless to say, my sketching acumen is nearly non-existent. I leave the drawing and graphic artistry to my friends like E.C. Masters and StudioK Design.

But, if I do say so myself, this sketch of my left hand isn’t a complete disaster.   🙂

The “line” in the lower left corner of my palm is actually a scar from an accident I was in a few years ago.  It wasn’t really until I did this sketch that I noticed that the scar looks like it’s an extension of the natural crease I have just above it.

Anyone (all 2 of you actually reading this) know any palm readers?

Idea #52 – Record all of the sounds you hear in the course of an hour.

As I stated in my post last week, music is a huge part of my life.  I work as an Office Assistant so I’m right out in the middle of all the action.

That little guy to the left is pretty much what I look like during the course of my day.  My iPhone/iPod gives me the luxury (which there aren’t many at work) of being able to block out all kinds of noises and conversations that I’d rather not subject myself to if it isn’t necessary to my job.

Knowing that, I’m sure you could understand my apprehension when I pulled this Idea. But I got lucky; nothing too annoying happened within the hour that I came out from under the cover of my headphones and actually listened to my surroundings.

  1. Vigorous typing
  2. Doors opening and closing
  3. Distant conversations
  4. Chair rolling on a chair mat
  5. Toilet flushing
  6. Water rushing through the pipes in the wall while someone washes their hands
  7. Refill of the toilet tank
  8. Zipper pulling on a day planner
  9. High heeled footsteps muted by the carpet
  10. Someone dragging their feet
  11. Buzz of our HVAC system
  12. Various telephone conversations
  13. High heeled footsteps on a chair mat
  14. Beeping of our copy machine indicating a paper jam
  15. Chronic cough/throat clearing of a smoking co-worker
  16. Robotic & rhythmic humming and buzzing of a print job cycling through the copier
  17. Someone flipping through the pages of a glossy catalog
  18. Retractable pen clicks
  19. Laughter
  20. The jingling of keys
  21. The thud of someone walking in a pair of thick-soled sandals
  22. Shuffling of papers
  23. Someone listening to satellite radio in their office
  24. Crumpling of paper
  25. the squeak, pause, squeak, pause of a co-workers shoe as they walk

30 minutes into the hour

  1. Tapping and straightening to make a perfect stack of papers
  2. The “swishing” of denim as someone walks down the hallway
  3. The squeak/grind of metal as someone leans in their desk chair.
  4. Someone dialing the telephone while it’s on speaker
  5. Someone not chewing gum w/their mouth closed
  6. Sneeze
  7. Tick tock of the clock on the wall
  8. Someone using that automatic stapler
  9. Opening and closing of drawers
  10. Someone scratching their scalp
  11. Hanging up of a telephone
  12. Someone cracking their knuckles
  13. The pressing of the panic bar to open our main entrance door
  14. Flicking of a light switch
  15. The chime as someone shuts down their pc
  16. Someone flipping and folding the pages of the daily paper
  17. Dropping of keys